
I have generally steered clear of Pope Francis and his controversies.  The dioceses I reside in have enough Modernism, Montanism, and Protestant-Wannabeism (courtesy of the megachurch “bible belt”) without me having to look up what the Bishop of Rome is up to.  I have enough on my mind and enough problems just outside my own door and – even more – within my soul to occupy me.

And yet, it is still impossible to entirely escape.  The revelation that Pope Frank knew more about sex abuse scandals than he was letting on has caught my attention.  The allegation that he is just as guilty in coverups as many of his brother bishops strikes a cord that I cannot ignore.

It brings me no joy that the First Bishop’s hands are dirty.  I am not filled with the envious and demonic shaudenfreude many today feel when their “enemies” fall.  I do not gloat at the thought of seeing him pulled into the mud even if he deserves it, for such things always damage the papacy.  Every wicked pope that dragged the See of Peter through the mud ensured that their successor had to put great effort to restore it.  The Chilean Abuse Scandal is no victory for tradition; it is a tragedy and a temporary triumph of evil that sex abuse and coverups of this sort happen at all.

This may well be the end of this “popular” Pope’s temporal influence.  I did a quick search this night on what the trending news was for him and found this:

“Pope reinstates sex abuse commission” (a necessary act, especially currently)

“Pope Francis: Same Sex Marriage is a Diabolical Attack on the Family” (I imagine his former “allies” in Germany will not appreciate this reversal)

“Pope backs down in Nigerian Bishop controversy” (Local clergy can oppose the will of the Vatican, and win?!)

“Pope Francis reveals he meets with sex-abuse victims on Fridays” (In all sincerity, if he really does this then I applaud him)

I am not the Pope’s judge, only God holds that power.  It is clear to me though that the goodwill he won from the world by seeming like a “hip pope” who was going to “open the Church to the gays and the world” is dried up.  Bishops defy him (with Conservatives becoming eerily SSPX-like in a “recognize and resist” stance and leftists in Germany saying they might start blessing the “unions” regardless of what the Vatican says), most ground-level Catholics I’ve met hardly notice his presence, the media and mammon he seemingly worked so hard to please is disenchanted with him…. there is no one on this earth who seems to side with him.

And, for once, I sympathize.  I too have gone down one or two rabbit holes in defiance of my Church, knowing full well it was wrong.  When one reaps the empty fruit of sin, there is no where to run but back to God like the prodigal son while also resolving to never sin in that manner again (some of us are stupid that way).

Some of the most recent articles like those above appear to tell a story of a pope who is losing his grasp, and is falling back on orthodoxy in some respects.  I only hope that he sees the folly of trying to please the world and takes a firm stand for the Church he was installed to steward.  Only then, will he be liked and have the respect he seems to value so much.

I myself once tried to please mammon and learned my lesson.  Never again.

I only hope the Holy Father has learned as much.

Deus Vult


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